Digital Change in Family Businesses - The Handbook
Family business 4.0
Companies that are not concerned with digitization, its requirements and possibilities will be left behind. Today's hidden champions have not built their businesses digitally and are threatened to be overtaken by start-ups with digital strategies and a completely different digital mindset. Only with a well thought-out strategy can family businesses secure their long-term survival in the digital future. This book helps entrepreneurs to develop such a strategy step by step, to think innovatively and to actively create disruptive business models.
Management 4.0 - Corporate Governance
in the Digital Age
Digitization is leading to radical changes in competition, customer behavior and the world of work, presenting companies and management with new challenges. This book analyses and presents the design options for Management 4.0, i.e. management tailored to the digital economy.

Digital Change in Family Businesses - The Handbook
Family business 4.0
Companies that are not concerned with digitization, its requirements and possibilities will be left behind. Today's hidden champions have not built their businesses digitally and are threatened to be overtaken by start-ups with digital strategies and a completely different digital mindset. Only with a well thought-out strategy can family businesses secure their long-term survival in the digital future. This book helps entrepreneurs to develop such a strategy step by step, to think innovatively and to actively create disruptive business models.
"Gibt es Ihr Unternehmen in 10 Jahren eigentlich noch?" - in Speakers Excellence
"Der Weg zu disruptiven Geschäftsmodellen" - in Speakers Excellence
"Digitalisierung: Gießkanne ist out!" - in die Familienunternehmer News
"Menschlich wie Tante Emma, digital wie Amazon" - bei BERNDTSON Interim
"Digitalisierung: Mittelstand beschränkt sich selbst" - in die Familienunternehmer News
"Zukunftsfähige Vorstände sind Mangelware" - in der Wirtschaftswoche
"Je flacher die Hierarchien, desto innovativer das Unternehmen" - in der Wirtschaftswoche
"Digitaler Wandel in Familienunternehmen" - in die Familienunternehmer News
"Daten als Profitquelle: Königsklasse des digitalen Geschäftsmodells" - in die Familienunternehmer News -